Terms of use
of the Rémy Martin 300th anniversary coupe Voucher


Each owner of a 300th Anniversary Coupe who claims his certificate of ownership on the dedicated website page https://www.remymartin.com/en-us/300th-anniversary-coupe/ will be offered a voucher for a free visit of the House of Rémy Martin in Cognac.

This Voucher can be used under the following conditions:

  1. The Voucher includes a free visit for two adults (aged 18 or older) of the House of Rémy Martin in Cognac. The duration of the tour is approximately 2 hours, and its value is 35 euros (on the date of issuance of these terms of use)
  2. The visit has to take place no later than 20th of December 2025.
  3. Visits are open from Monday to Friday but the site will be closed on the 1st of May 2024 and 2025, from the 12th to the 26th of June 2024 and from the 22nd of December 2024 to the 1st of January 2025. Other closing dates may be added from time to time. Visits are possible only with a prior booking by contacting the hospitality team via email at visites.remymartin@remy-cointreau.com. The booking is confirmed only when you receive a confirmation email with the names of the participants, date and hour of the visit.
  4. When accessing the House of Rémy Martin on the scheduled date and hour for the visit indicated in the confirmation email, the owner of the certificate of ownership needs to present the 300th anniversary coupe card obtained via the digital experience.
  5. The Voucher only includes the visit. Therefore, transport, accommodation and any other related expenses incurred are not covered by Rémy Martin.
  6. If you are unable to attend on the date and/or on the time scheduled in Cognac, please send us an e-mail at visites.remymartin@remy-cointreau.com, before the scheduled date, to assess the situation.
  7. The Voucher is strictly personal and cannot be shared, given or sold in any way to a third party. The owner of the 300th anniversary coupe card has to be present during the visit.
  8. The Voucher cannot give rise to the remittance of its countervalue in cash.


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